Most of the arguments seem to be based on ignorance at best, or a conscious choice to ignore the facts at worst.
I can kind of excuse ignorance, kind of. People don't know what they don't know, and that's OK. There are lot's of things I am totally ignorant of - and to be honest, I'm OK with that. I don't need, or want, to know every argument on every topic. As exciting as it may be to you to know about the location of the last supper, that is somewhat boring to me. On many topics ignorance is indeed bliss.
But I digress. The truth is spying is based on what are often illegal practices (think MOSAD and NZ passports), is secretive but is necessary.
The reality is anything you put out on the internet is open to be snooped on, by kids doing it for fun, thugs doing it for malicious purposes or governments for intelligence gathering. It is my recommendation that if you want something to remain a secret don't say anything about it online.... anywhere.... ever.

The real issue for me is the concept that NZ citizens will be found guilty without a trial. But I need to do more reading on that before I comment much more. However, I am alarmed at recent developments - this from Paula Bennett's speech in parliament last week:
"...Currently, it’s only when those abusive parents have a subsequent child and come to the attention of Child, Youth and Family that the child’s safety is assessed. If Child, Youth and Family believe the child is unsafe, it has to prove that to the Court. We will reverse that burden of proof. The parent will have to prove, that their child is safe in their care."
That is a bigger erosion of civil liberties than anything in the so called GSB legislation - guilty until proven innocent. That is something to be scared about. There are better solutions. Watch this space....